07 marzo 2008

Jarvis, ruega por nosotras!!!

Cuando a los 12 años me rallé con Pulp, nunca pude imaginar que llegaría el día en que Jarvis Cocker visitara este terruño austral para cantar sus melodías. Ahora que espero su arribo y me alineo con mi empecinamiento para lograr escucharlo cantar, invoco sus letanías para mantenerme en el camino y mantener la sesatez, a pesar de ser una amante pasional.

Well you can stay all night if you want to
you can hang out with all of his friends
you can go and meet his mother and father
you better make sure that's where it ends
cause baby, there is one thing you gotta know....

let him read your palm and guess your sign.
let him take you home and treat you fine....
but baby, don't let him waste your time
don't let him waste your time

Cause the years fly by in an instant
and you wonder what he's waiting for
and then some skinny bitch walks by in some hotpants
and he's running out the door

so remember that one thing that you gotta know...
let him read your palm and guess your sign
let him take you home and treat you so fine
but baby, don't let him waste your time
don't let him waste your time...

You ain't getting no younger
and you've got nothing to show
so tell him that it's now or never
and then go go go go go!!!

He can have his space
and he can take his time
and he can kiss ya where the sun don't shine
but baby, don't let him waste your time
don't let him waste your time...